Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Relax and Sing!!!

It is commonly known that relaxation has numerous health benefits, including improving your concentration, lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow to muscles and boosting your confidence in your abilities to handle problems.

It's easy to allow your stresses to spiral out of control and leave you confused, disorientated and unable to handle simple tasks.  What's that got to do with singing?

Well, not only is music a well documented stress reliever, but relaxing into your singing will only make your singing voice stronger and more effective.  Taking a deep breath is something that is often said to people that need a moment to compose themselves, but how often do you think about it for singing?  Well the truth is, if you're not practicing your breathing techniques, you're doing yourself and your voice an injustice.

Tension will cause your voice to sound strained and will feel uncomfortable*.  After a gruelling day, do you want to hear stress and feel discomfort during your "me time"?  Take a few minutes at the beginning for your session and breathe deeply, think about now! What someone said at work, how someone has made you feel the other day, the presentation that you're scared of giving, whatever, they can all live outside the bubble that is your singing session if you choose it!  Breathing exercises are very important for your practice and singing lessons, which is why you will always be encouraged, particularly as a novice, to demonstrate your breathing ability! 

We encourage all of our singers, during their singing lessons in Edinburgh to use time wisely and to remember to be calm and present.  See how a singing lesson or practice can benefit your health?

*(see Adele, Someone Like You at the line "Don't forget me I beg", recorded version not live for an example of this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0 1:26)

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